Monday, 14 November 2011

Oi, stop shouting at that dragon !!!!...

Right then, now I've finally turned the console off and stepped away from Skyrim......

Been thinking about my level and have started to do some sketches, or more like doodles, with ideas about it using this elegant mood board for inspiration.

My main thinking is that the environment should be glass based, but this also got me thinking about ice and crystal structures too that I can incorporate into it.

I am also trying to think how to include the game mechanics, stamp and ultrasound shatter, into the level design. Main thinking is that early on in the level you will have to use stamp on the smaller enemies (beetley and rodenty ones) as this will be the only weapon you have have. Am thinking that although you have your ultrasound gun, it is out of power and later on in the level you can get some kind of crystal powerey thing to power it. Thought this was a good way to build the player up and give them there first task to do.

Once they get the ultrasound working they can use this to firstly, attack the enemies but more importantly interact with the environment, to blast through certain walls and floors to get hidden treasures or just even find a path through the level.

Gonna keep with the vertical theme and have them work their way up the level of this particular glass crystal mountain structure thingy to find one the key crystal elements that they are going to need to power their spacescooterey rocket contraption working again so they can get off this god damn planet.

Going to have puzzle rooms along the way to navigate and solve to be find the exit so they can move onwards and upwards.

So off again to draw some puzzle rooms me thinks.........AND THAT DOES NOT MEAN PICK UP THE PS3 CONTROLLER MR MATTHEWS...........


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